


Stage7 Unit13まで進んでお休みしていたDMEメソッドを4.5ヶ月ぶりに再開しました。


お休み後はイングリッシュベルに移籍し(前はイーメソッド)、少し戻ってDMEスパルタンでやり直すつもりでしたが、hanasoを受講したり、オリンピックを見たりしていたらうっかり4.5ヶ月もブランクが… (本当はhanasoで1ヶ月発音トレしてすぐ戻るつもりだった)



当初 Book3 Stage5からと考えていたのですが、ブランクを空けすぎており… 💦
Book2 Stage3からのやり直しにシマシタ(*`・ω・)ゞ











レッスンでは、まずターゲット発音の舌の位置、口の動かし方、息の吐き方のコツを覚えたあと、単語単位で発音練習をして、Tongue twister(早口言葉)やロールプレイで実践練習を行います。





【2020年・春】毎日1本!英語発音総攻略 - YouTube











発音記号は学生時代から本当に苦手で当時の私には象形文字にしか見えませんでした…(汗) 最近独学でも学習しましたがすぐに飽きて母音の前半で挫折していたのが、hanasoのテキストとレッスンで簡単に覚えることができました。もうこれだけで私には大きな進歩!オンライン英会話が大好きなので自分にはこの方法が一番合っていたのだと実感しました。

発音改善については、単語単位でターゲット発音を意識すれば正しく発音することはできますが文章になると意識しすぎてたどたどしく読み上げる感じとなりまだまだです。さらにステージ2では1Unitで練習するターゲット発音が4つとなり、Tongue twister(早口言葉)とロールプレイはもうグダグダ。


DMEメソッド Book4 Unit10~Communication2

Unit8からUnit10まで3Unit連続でAdditional Questionsがあり予習に時間がかかります。しかしこのユニットはAdditional Questionsは飛ばされてしまいました。

Communicationレッスンは交通用語やシステムについて。交通事故原因のディスカッション、日本の交通ルールの説明、自分の交通経験のスピーチなどがありかなり時間をかけて予習したのですが、先生の勢いにつられて「スキップする」と言ってしまい…(悲) きちんと「やっぱりやります」と訂正できなかった自分に反省です。



Lesson History

4/6 Chen DME 3.5 Ed. Book 4: R=36-37;37(Short Activity)-39(Why is it sometimes difficult to maintain high standards of customer service in large companies?)
4/7 Chen DME 3.5 Ed. Book 4: R=37-39;C=39(Do you agree that standards of health care have not improved much over the last 20 years?)-39(How many calories does a slice of chocolate cake have?)
4/8 Meg DME 3.5 Ed. Book 4: R=39; C=40[vegetarian/vegan]--41[Can you name me some well-known people who have been on the cover of Time Magazine?


Original Answers

What things do you have to do without?

  • The things which I have to do without are a car and traveling abroad.

What's a 'blog' and what words do you suppose it comes from?

  • I suppose 'blog' comes from the words 'website' and 'log'.  It's a kind of website on which a blogger write about his/her hobbies, experiences, ideas or opinions.

What about?

  • I read blogs about traveling or how to learn English.

What makes a blog attractive for readers?

  • I think the useful information the blogger provides or celebrity lifestyles can make a blog attractive for readers.

Why do you think vegetarians avoid eating meat?

  • I think vegetarians avoid eating meat in order to stay healthy or because they are against killing animals.

Would you like to be a vegetarian or a vegan? Why not?

  • No, I wouldn't like to be a vegetarian or vegan, because I'd like to eat both meat and vegetables.


Additional Questions - Blogging

What kind of blogs are the most popular in your country?

  • I think blogs written by celebrities are the most popular in my country.


Have you ever read a blog where bloggers were making fun of politicians or famous people?

  • No, I haven't. But Ive seen it on social media.


What do you think of it? Should they have the right to do so?

  • I think it's not fair for anonymous bloggers to attack famous people on website.
  • No, they shouldn't have the right to do so.


Do you think that freedom of speech has anything to do with it?

  • No, I don't think that freedom of speech has anything to do with it.


Would you change your point of view if you yourself were famous and someone made fun of you on the Internet?

  • No, I wouldn't change my point of view if I myself were famous and someone made fun of me on the Internet. I might take that person to court.


How about if it was someone from your family that people made fun of?

  • If it was someone from my family that people made fun of, I would feel unpleasant.

DMEメソッド Book4 Unit9


Lesson History

3/30 Julia DME 3.5 Ed. Book 4: R=32; C= 32 (AQ: What could be the advantages of a tax in which everybody pays the same monthly rate of tax?) - 34 (What kind of tips can you find in women''s magazines?)
3/31 Jee DME 3.5 Ed. Book 4: R=32-34; C= 34(SUBTRACT..FIGURE) - 35(Do you ever tweet to your friends on Twitter?)
4/2 Julia DME 3.5 Ed. Book 4: R=34-35; C=35 (AQ: How do you do your banking?) - 36 (Give me examples of edible and inedible things.)
4/5 Lyn DME 3.5 Ed. Book 4: R=35-36;C=36[How can beef become inedible?]-37[3rd Conditional,PASSAGE]

Original Answers

What do you think is so unique about Las Vegas that so many people want to get married there?

  • I think getting a marriage certificate is easier than other cities, so many people want to get married in Las Vegas.

Why do university students often share a room with one another?

  • University students often share a room with one another in order to save the rent.

What kind of tips can you find in women's magazines?

  • You can find all sorts of tips on fashion,  make-up, saving money and  cleaning in women's magazines.

Who do you think is a key figure in the government of Great Britain.

  • I think Boris Johnson is a key figure in the government of Great Britain.

Can you explain to me what social networking is?

  • Social networking is the online services on which we can connect with friends, families or people who share similar hobbies or experience.

Why has social networking services has grown so popular?

  • I think social networking services has grown so popular because it's easier to keep in touch with friends and colleagues on the Internet than other ways.

Do you have a profile on a social networking website?

  • I have a profile on some social networking websites.

What sort of personal information do people provide in their profiles?

  • People provide all sort of personal information in their profiles, for example their name, their company, the school from which they graduated and the family structure.

Do you ever tweet to your friends on Twitter?


Additional Questions - Going to the bank

How do you do your banking?

  • I do my banking through a cash machine at a convenience store or on the online banking.

What do we call the extra money we have to pay to the bank when we take a loan?

  • We call the extra money we have to pay to the bank when we take a loan an interest.

What kind of bills do people usually pay by standing orders?

  • People usually pay utility bills and mortgages by standing orders?

If the inflation rate was 4.1% and the interest rate in my deposit account was 5.1% yearly how much would I have earned by the end of the year?

  • If the inflation rate was 4.1% and the interest rate in your deposit account was 5.1% yearly you would have earned 1% by the end of the year.

Do you have a credit card? What is the interest rate?

  • Yes I have a credit card.  If I pay in full, I don't have to pay the interest rate.

Is it difficult to apply for a bank account? What documents do you need?

  • No, it isn't difficult to apply for a bank account. You need an application form and an identification card with your photo like driving license or passport.

DMEメソッド Book4 Unit8




Lesson History

3/26 Julia DME 3.5 Ed. Book 4: R=29; C= 30 (joy.....sense) - 31 (What does it mean when a parent wags his finger at a child?)
3/28 Aly DME 3.5 Ed. Book 4: R=30-31: C=31(unit/secure)-32(Why is it hard to believe someone who told a lie once before?)
3/29 Jyll DME 3.5 Ed. Book 4: R=31-32; C=32(feature...fall asleep)-32(A.Q until: Do you agree that the amount of tax a person pays to the government should depend on the income?)

Original Answers

What’s the basic difference between standard volleyball and beach volleyball?

  • The basic difference between standard volleyball and beach volleyball is the venue. Standard volleyball is played indoor but beach volleyball is played on the beach.


What do lively children often do?

  • Lively children often run around the schoolyard.


Do you know any television programs which represent the typical English sense of humor.

  • I don't know any television programs which represent the typical English sense of humor.



  • Because that kind of programs isn't on air in Japan.



  • Most people can't use many of those features very well.


Which feature is extremely important when you look for a new car?

  • When I look for a new car, fuel efficiency or the running sound is extremely important feature.



  • Because we can save on petrol cost by a fuel efficient car and we can spend more comfortable driving time by a quiet running car.

Additional Questions - GDP and TAXES

What does the GDP of a country depend on?

  • The GDP of a country depends on the consumption of the country.
  • The GDP of a country depends on the economic activity of the country.


Why do you suppose the GDP in some countries grows more rapidly than in others?

  • I suppose the GDP in some countries grows more rapidly than in others because those countries actively have accepted foreign companies and they've focused on manufacturing and exports.


Do you think the annual GDP will grow faster in countries with high taxes or low taxes?

  • I think the annual GDP will grow faster in countries with low taxes.


What is the tax system in your country?

  • The tax system in my country is that we pay 10% consumption tax, and we also pay income tax and resident tax according to our income.


Do you agree that the amount of tax a person pays to the government should depend on the income?

  • Yes, I agree that the amount of tax a person pays to the government should depend on the income.


What could be the advantages of a tax system in which everybody pays the same monthly rate of tax?

  • I can't think of any advantages of a tax system in which everybody pays the same monthly rate of tax. Because I think it widens the wealth gap. It would be too much for low income people.

DMEメソッド Book4 Unit7

Grammar Exercises はスキップしてModule2へ入りました。Module1だけですでに1ヶ月。Stage7は進捗スピードも受講頻度も落ちているのでまだまだ時間がかかりそうです。



Lesson History

3/20 Aly DME 3.5 Ed. Book 4: R=24-26: C=26(Do all works from creative copywriters prove their fertile imagination?)-26(Which country has recently become the second largest economy in the world with an annual GDP growth rate of more than 10 %?)
3/23 Jingle DME 3.5 Ed. Book 4: R=26: C=26 (Does the number of people getting the flu rapidly grow in autumn/)-27 (What is a tradesman?)
3/24 Jee DME 3.5 Ed. Book 4: R= 26-27; C= 27(Are tradesmen usually welcome when they come and try to sell us things?) --28(DICTATION until: Computers are upgraded in order to make them more efficient.)
3/25 Michelle DME 3.5 Ed. Book 4: R=27-28 ; C=28(Dictation: done!) - 29(RL)


Original Answers

What's the best thing to do in order to stir children's imagination?

  • The best thing to do in order to stir children's imagination is reading books to them or showing pictures to them.


Why do we sometimes imagine ourselves to be in different places?

  • We sometimes imagine ourselves to be in different places because we want to escape from the reality.



  • Because some young people are in trouble of finding a job.


Why do companies often need help from creative copywriters?

  • Companies often need help from creative copywriters because they want to create an effective advertisement.


Why's that so?

  • I think only a person who has fertile imagination can become a copywriter.


Why do you suppose it's so essential to get to the root of the problem if you want to solve it?

  • I suppose it's so essential to get to the root of the problem if you want to solve it because it's the best way to prevent the recurrence of similar problems.


Why were the police unable to catch Jack the Ripper and solve his crimes?

  • The police were unable to catch Jack the Ripper and solve his crimes because the police could not identify the criminal.


Why did you start to learn English?

  • I started to learn English so that I could communicate with local people when I traveled abroad.


Why do some drivers use GPS?

  • Some drivers use GPS so that they won't lose their way.


Why do you carry a mobile phone with you?

  • I carry a mobile phone with me so that I can kill time in my free time.


Why should we eat fresh fruit and vegetables?

  • We should eat fresh fruit and vegetables so that we can keep fit.


Why do banknotes come in different sizes?

  • Banknotes come in different sizes so that visually impaired people can distinguish the amount of the note.

DMEメソッド Book4 Unit6



 Lesson History

3/15 Jyll DME 3.5 Ed. Book 4; R=20-21; C=21(The Mayan Indians thought the world....being right?) ONLY
3/17 Jee DME 3.5 Ed. Book 4; R=21; C= 21(Why do some people take a chance and drive after drinking?) -- 24(Why do we sometimes use always with the present continuous tense?)
3/18 Michelle DME 3.5 Ed. Book 4: R=21-24 ; C=24(Do you know anyone who''s always coming to work late?) - 24(Why are university students sometimes nervous about exams?)
3/19 Julia DME 3.5 Ed. Book 4: R=24; C=24 (Why do some people nervous about dogs?) - 26 (Why do companies often need help from creative copywriters?)


Original Answers

Why do some people take a chance and drive after drinking?

  • Some people take a chance and drive after drinking because they don't think the danger of drink driving seriously.


When, for example?

  • When there is disaster like an earthquake or flood.


Are you good at saving money?

  • Yes, I'm good at saving money. Because I don't like wasting money.


What do people save money for?

  • Some people save money for buying a new car.


Why should we save data automatically when we work at a computer?

  • We should save data automatically when we work at a computer in order not to lose the data in case it suddenly freezes.


What do you suppose the best places for summer holidays are?

  • I suppose the best places for summer holidays are Okinawa and Hokkaido.


When do you suppose you will get a new job?

  • I suppose I won't get a new job in the future. I'm satisfied with my current job.


How can passengers in your country can find out the times trains arrive and depart?

  • Passengers in my country can find out the times trains arrive and depart on the timetable at the station.



  • Because our government rarely reduces taxes.


What habits annoy you the most?

  • The habits which annoy me the most is speaking loudly at work.


Why do you think some students never do their homework?

  • Some students never do their homework because they always play outside after school.


Why are university students sometimes nervous about exams?

  • University students are sometimes nervous about exams because if they fail the exam, they might not be promoted to the next year.


Why are some people nervous about dogs?

  • Some people are nervous about dogs perhaps because they had a bad experience with a dog in the past.
  • They might have been attacked by one when they were child.


How do you settle your nerves after a very tiring day?

  • I settle my nerves after a very tiring day by watching American dramas.


What problems may be the cause of a nervous breakdown?

  • For example, too much stress at work may be the cause of a nervous breakdown.