

DMEメソッド Book4 Unit2

Stage6までと違い communication exercise や additional quesitons にサンプル回答がないので予習により時間が必要に。


Lesson History

2/26 KC DME 3.5 Ed. Book 4: R=4-5: C=5 (Who do people usually turn to when they need advice on something?)-- 6 (Which animals don''t feed their young?)
2/28 Jyll DME 3.5 Ed. Book 4: R=5-6; C=6(What are dogs fed?)-7(How did the character played by Tom Hanks in Cast Away try to survive on the desert island?)
2/28 Jyll DME 3.5 Ed. Book 4: R=5-6; C=6(What are dogs fed?)-7(How did the character played by Tom Hanks in Cast Away try to survive on the desert island?)
3/1 Julia DME 3.5 Ed. Book 4: R=6-7; C= 7 (How do people help animals to survive winter?) - 8 (Would it be a bit eccentric of me to come here in a badly ironed pink shirt and a short yellow skirt?)


Original Answers

What do doctors usually advise us to do if we want to be healthy?

  • Doctors usually advise us to exercise every day if we want to be healthy.

What would you advise me to do if:

a) I wanted to learn Spanish?

b) I lost my job?

c) my little son bit other children in kindergarten?

  • a) I would advise you to have an online Spanish lesson if you wanted to
  • b) I would advise you to enroll a recruitment agency if you lost
  • c) I would advise you to apologize his parents as soon as possible if your little son bit


Why do children like / dislike going to kindergarten?

  • Children like going to kindergarten because they like playing with friends and teachers.
  • Children dislike going to kindergarten because they miss their parents.


What do children learn in kindergarten?

  • Children learn how to draw pictures or how to write letters.


What are the most eccentric clothes you have worn?

  • The most eccentric clothes I've worn are a purple T-shirt and a red hoodie.


Give me example of eccentric people.


Additional Questions - Advice

What would be your advice for someone who wanted to buy a used car?

  • My advice for someone who wanted to buy a used car would be to make sure if the car is inspected.


Have you ever needed legal advice? Why?

  • No, I have never needed legal advice. Because I haven't had legal problem.


Why do you suppose some people don’t take their doctor’s advice too seriously?

  • I suppose some people don't take their doctor's advice too seriously because they can't stop vices like drinking or smoking.

Why is it advised that drivers have their insurance with them when driving?

  • It is advised that drivers have their insurance with them when driving because they can get insurance money in the case of an accident.
  • If they didn't have an insurance, they would have to pay a plenty of money when they would have an accident.

What would you advice me to do before signing an important agreement?

  • I'd advise you to make sure the team of the agreement carefully before signing an important agreement.