

DMEメソッド Book4 Unit3



Lesson History

3/2 Charina DME 3.5 Ed. Book 4:R=7-8:C=8(Of all the singers you can think of right now, who''s known for the eccentric fashion style?)-9(what would you think?)
3/3 Aly DME 3.5 Ed. Book 4:R=8-9: C=10()-10(Is there plenty of fertile ground for growing plants in the desserts?)
3/4 Judy DME 3.5 Ed. Book 4:R=10,C=10[level../HD]-12[dictation]
3/6 Jyll DME 3.5 Ed. Book 4:R=10-12; C=13(magnificent...skyscraper)-13(What kind of apartment is a penthouse?)