

DMEメソッド Book4 Unit5




Lesson History

3/11 Hanna DME 3.5 Ed. Book 4; C=17(ghost...represent) - 20(Why do some people want to become a tour guide?)
3/12 Michelle DME 3.5 Ed. Book 4; R=17-20 ; C=20(Would you be interested in taking part in a sightseeing tour of New York City with Woody Allen as the guide?) - 20(When might blind people need to be guided across a crossing?)
3/14 Aly DME 3.5 Ed. Book 4; R=20: C=20(How long can it take to train a guide dog for a blind person?)-21(Do you think life on Earth began by blind chance?)


Original Answers

Why are some people afraid of ghosts?

  • Some people are afraid of ghosts because they think ghosts might attack them.


For example? 

  • For example, Cars are bad for the environment and they cause a traffic accident, but they are a very convenient means of transportation.


In what kind of places do they have guide for visitors?

  • They have guides for visitors in some ruins and museums.


Why do some people want to become a tour guide?

  • Some people want to become a tour guide because they want to travel all over the world for free.


Why do some parents seem blind to their children's bad behavior?

  • Some parents seem blind to their children's bad behavior because they believe their children always behave well.