

DMEメソッド Book4 Unit5




Lesson History

3/11 Hanna DME 3.5 Ed. Book 4; C=17(ghost...represent) - 20(Why do some people want to become a tour guide?)
3/12 Michelle DME 3.5 Ed. Book 4; R=17-20 ; C=20(Would you be interested in taking part in a sightseeing tour of New York City with Woody Allen as the guide?) - 20(When might blind people need to be guided across a crossing?)
3/14 Aly DME 3.5 Ed. Book 4; R=20: C=20(How long can it take to train a guide dog for a blind person?)-21(Do you think life on Earth began by blind chance?)


Original Answers

Why are some people afraid of ghosts?

  • Some people are afraid of ghosts because they think ghosts might attack them.


For example? 

  • For example, Cars are bad for the environment and they cause a traffic accident, but they are a very convenient means of transportation.


In what kind of places do they have guide for visitors?

  • They have guides for visitors in some ruins and museums.


Why do some people want to become a tour guide?

  • Some people want to become a tour guide because they want to travel all over the world for free.


Why do some parents seem blind to their children's bad behavior?

  • Some parents seem blind to their children's bad behavior because they believe their children always behave well.

DMEメソッド Book4 Unit4 ~ Communication1

長文センテンスが多く、Additional QuestionsもありハードなUnit。



Lesson History

3/7 Jingle DME 3.5 Ed. Book 4:R=13; C=13 (After the Sept 11 attack is having a skyscraper...as it used to be?)-15 (What kind of people can afford to buy a penthouse?)
3/8 KC DME 3.5 Ed. Book 4: R=13-15; C=15 (Can a single parent afford to lose a job?)-- 15 (What covers large parts of the country in Africa?)
3/9 Lyn DME 3.5 Ed. Book 4;R=15;C=15[If you drop something in the desert,...very quickly?]-GL2[Exercise3#4]
3/10 Michelle DME 3.5 Ed. Book 4: R=15-16 ; C=GL2(Exercise 3 #5) - GL4(Exercise 4)


Original Answers

Can you think of any disadvantages of living in a modern skyscraper?

  • The main disadvantage of living in a modern skyscraper is that when a big earthquake happened, the elevatorslifts would stop and you'd have to use the stairs.


What are the advantage of living on the ground floor of a tall building?

  • The main advantage of living on the ground floor of a tall building is that you are never stuck in an elevator congestion.


If you lived on the ground floor and had noisy neighbors upstairs, what would be your strategy for coping with the problem?

  • If I lived on the ground floor and had noisy neighbors upstairs, my strategy for coping with the problem would be to complain to the apartment administrator.


Is it easy to buy a used car in perfect condition? Why?

  • I don't know whether it's easy to buy a used car in perfect condition.
  • Because I've never bought a used car.


Tell me the things you can afford.

  • I can afford to travel abroad after the pandemic.


Tell me the things you can't afford.

  • I can't afford to buy a new car.


Why do people like to cover their kitchen or bathroom walls with tiles?

  • People like to cover their kitchen or bathroom walls because they want to make it more colorfulbrighter.


When do you think HD TV will replace standard television?

  • I think HD TV have already replaced standard television.


Additional Questions - Advantage & Disadvantages

What are the advantages of speaking several foreign languages?

  • The advantage of speaking several foreign languages is that you can communicate with people from many different countries and cultures.


What's the key disadvantage of driving a car in heavy traffic?

  • The key disadvantage of driving a car in heavy traffic is that you might be late an important appointment.


Have you ever tried to take advantage of someone at work?

  • No, I've never tried to take advantage of someone at work.


Have you ever been taken advantage of at work?

  • No, I've never been taken advantage of at work.


What could often be the main disadvantage of an employee who has just started working?

  • The main disadvantage of an employee who has just started working could often be a lack of experience.


Would you ever consider signing a contract which was to your disadvantage?

  • No, I'd never consider signing a contract which was to my disadvantage.

DMEメソッド Book4 Unit3



Lesson History

3/2 Charina DME 3.5 Ed. Book 4:R=7-8:C=8(Of all the singers you can think of right now, who''s known for the eccentric fashion style?)-9(what would you think?)
3/3 Aly DME 3.5 Ed. Book 4:R=8-9: C=10()-10(Is there plenty of fertile ground for growing plants in the desserts?)
3/4 Judy DME 3.5 Ed. Book 4:R=10,C=10[level../HD]-12[dictation]
3/6 Jyll DME 3.5 Ed. Book 4:R=10-12; C=13(magnificent...skyscraper)-13(What kind of apartment is a penthouse?)

DMEメソッド Book4 Unit2

Stage6までと違い communication exercise や additional quesitons にサンプル回答がないので予習により時間が必要に。


Lesson History

2/26 KC DME 3.5 Ed. Book 4: R=4-5: C=5 (Who do people usually turn to when they need advice on something?)-- 6 (Which animals don''t feed their young?)
2/28 Jyll DME 3.5 Ed. Book 4: R=5-6; C=6(What are dogs fed?)-7(How did the character played by Tom Hanks in Cast Away try to survive on the desert island?)
2/28 Jyll DME 3.5 Ed. Book 4: R=5-6; C=6(What are dogs fed?)-7(How did the character played by Tom Hanks in Cast Away try to survive on the desert island?)
3/1 Julia DME 3.5 Ed. Book 4: R=6-7; C= 7 (How do people help animals to survive winter?) - 8 (Would it be a bit eccentric of me to come here in a badly ironed pink shirt and a short yellow skirt?)


Original Answers

What do doctors usually advise us to do if we want to be healthy?

  • Doctors usually advise us to exercise every day if we want to be healthy.

What would you advise me to do if:

a) I wanted to learn Spanish?

b) I lost my job?

c) my little son bit other children in kindergarten?

  • a) I would advise you to have an online Spanish lesson if you wanted to
  • b) I would advise you to enroll a recruitment agency if you lost
  • c) I would advise you to apologize his parents as soon as possible if your little son bit


Why do children like / dislike going to kindergarten?

  • Children like going to kindergarten because they like playing with friends and teachers.
  • Children dislike going to kindergarten because they miss their parents.


What do children learn in kindergarten?

  • Children learn how to draw pictures or how to write letters.


What are the most eccentric clothes you have worn?

  • The most eccentric clothes I've worn are a purple T-shirt and a red hoodie.


Give me example of eccentric people.


Additional Questions - Advice

What would be your advice for someone who wanted to buy a used car?

  • My advice for someone who wanted to buy a used car would be to make sure if the car is inspected.


Have you ever needed legal advice? Why?

  • No, I have never needed legal advice. Because I haven't had legal problem.


Why do you suppose some people don’t take their doctor’s advice too seriously?

  • I suppose some people don't take their doctor's advice too seriously because they can't stop vices like drinking or smoking.

Why is it advised that drivers have their insurance with them when driving?

  • It is advised that drivers have their insurance with them when driving because they can get insurance money in the case of an accident.
  • If they didn't have an insurance, they would have to pay a plenty of money when they would have an accident.

What would you advice me to do before signing an important agreement?

  • I'd advise you to make sure the team of the agreement carefully before signing an important agreement.


DMEメソッド Book4 Unit1



Lesson History

2/20 Mian DME 3.5 Ed. Book 4: R=1; C=1 (How was the oinvetion of dogital cameras chang tye way people take photps?) - 3(Had you ridden your bike with training wheels before you learnt to ride on two wheels?)
2/22 Jyll DME 3.5 Ed. Book 4: R=1-3; C=3(Had you learnt to walk before you learnt to crawl?)-3(After a long flight are most passengers relieved to feel the earth beneath their feet?)
2/24 Aly DME 3.5 Ed. Book 4: R=3: C=4(What do sailors shout when the ship approaches land?)-5(What do doctors usually advise us to do if we want to be healthy?)


Original Answers 

What can people have a fear of?

  • People can have a fear of ghost.


Why do car crashes happen so often on roads in some countries?

  • I think car crashes happen so often on roads in some countries because the roads are not well developed and maintenance there.


Why do they build underground car parks in city centers?

  • They build underground car parks in city centers because there is no space above ground in city centers. 

DMEメソッド Stage6 レッスン内容と感想

2020年7月からイングリッシュベルの姉妹校 English method(イーメソッド)でDMEメソッドのオンラインレッスンを受講中です。Stage6が終了したのでレッスン内容と感想をまとめます。


Stage1 30コマ(うちGR  4)/ 21日間
Stage2 35コマ(うちGR  5)/ 18日間
Stage3 44コマ(うちGR  7)/ 21日間
Stage4 49コマ(うちGR  9)/ 25日間
2ndGR 24コマ                          / 15日間
Stage5 76コマ(うちGR13)/ 57日間
Stage6 62コマ(うちGR12)/ 61日間
★Total  320コマ / 約7ヶ月

Stage6 レッスン内容と感想


means of transport / on the basis of / work in theoly / take to court / send someone to prison for life / have a runny nose / double spacing / take the trouble to/ margin of society / late at night / in favor of / in other words / across from / come across / in comparison with など

文法は、使役動詞let、付加疑問文、the 比較級~、so/neither/norを使った同意表現、現在完了進行形、had betterなど、会話で使いこなせていない表現が増えてきました。



Stage6のお気に入り先生は、Jyll先生、Caren先生、Sam先生、Aly先生、KC先生。 Jyll先生とCaren先生はメッチャ厳しくてテキストがなかなか進まないのでなるべく50分レッスン、他の先生のときは25分レッスンの受講です。




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DMEメソッド Stage5 レッスン内容と感想

2020年7月からイングリッシュベルの姉妹校 English method(イーメソッド)でDMEメソッドのオンラインレッスンを受講中です。Stage5が終了したのでレッスン内容と感想をまとめます。


Stage1 30コマ(うちGR  4)/ 21日間
Stage2 35コマ(うちGR  5)/ 18日間
Stage3 44コマ(うちGR  7)/ 21日間
Stage4 49コマ(うちGR  9)/ 25日間
2ndGR 24コマ                          / 15日間
Stage5 76コマ(うちGR13)/ 57日間
★Total  258コマ / 約5ヶ月


Stage5 レッスン内容と感想




「ought to」の意味や、「little / a little と few / a few」の違いなどはきちんと理解できていなかったので改めて勉強できてよかったです。(学校で習ったでしょうか…?)


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